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  • Visitors Centre 'Het Heuvelland'

    Start your visit to Heuvelland in the child-friendly visitors' centre, where the landscape surrounding Mount Kemmel is explained. A wide selection of evocative images and tailor-made tourist...

  • Het Stiltepad_kaart

    The Silence Path

    Do you want to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, to leave behind the non-stop flood of e-mails and text messages, to hit the pause button and just be yourself, even if only for a...

  • Kemmel Mountain Trail

    This number of walking loop takes you along idyllic pathways, soothing landscapes and grapevines. Enjoy the fresh air, and the gorgeous panoramic views that stretch all the way to Lille! Walk of...

  • Documentary Zero Hour

    Prepare your visit to Bayernwald, the Pool of Peace or other WWI sites in Heuvelland by watching the documentary 'Zero hour' in advance. 'Zero hour' is about the underground warfare in the region....

Food & Drinks