1918 'The Final Offensive': The battle of Mount Kemmel

21 April 2018 - 31 march 2019

Untill 31st March 2019

In this temporary exhibition, the municipality of Heuvelland will focus on the last year of the war and the importance of the American contribution, both to the war in general and to the final Allied offensive. The fighting around Mount Kemmel was one of the most dramatic aspects of this last year. Since 1915, the hill had been used by the British as an observation post. Knowing that the Americans would soon arrive in force, in April 1918 the Germans launched a last desperate offensive of their own, in the hope of turning the war in their favour. They captured Mount Kemmel, but with the help of the French Army any further breakthrough was prevented. By the end of August, the hill was back in Allied hands, thanks in part to the efforts of the mericans in one of their first major actions in Flanders. This tumultuous period will be highlighted in the visitors' centre through the use of film, previously unseen photographs and personal stories.

1918 'The Final Offensive': De Slag om de Kemmeberg


Price Free

1918 'The Final Offensive': De Slag om de Kemmeberg
